Once you have WAMP setup the easiest way to get a website online is WordPress.

It will allow you to install all of the necessary files and turn your computer into a home server. You will need a piece of software called WAMP to how your own website for free. In this tutorial I will show you the steps you need to take to make this happen. Or use your computer as a web hosting server to host your site for free. So you might want to turn your computer into a local testing environment for your WordPress website. #2 DreamHost $2.50/mo ➜ 🤍s/go/dreamhost-2021 (Cheapest 1 year plan) #1 Hostinger $0.99/mo ➜ 🤍s/go/hostinger-2021 (Best Cheap Hosting)
I'll show you how to host your own website for free using your computer as a home server. If you enjoyed this video at any point be sure to leave a like and comment telling me what you think of my channel. ■ How To Put A Texture Pack On Your Server: 🤍 ■ How To Put Plugins On A Server (Spigot): 🤍 ■ How To Format/Color The Server MOTD: 🤍 Xmx is your maximum memory in megabytes and -Xms is your initial memory in megabytes.

You can edit the -Xmx and -Xms values to adjust your allocated ram. Substitute "server.jar" for whatever you minecraft server. Java -Xmx2048M -Xms2048M -jar server.jar nogui Now have your friend use that with the port to join. To do this google "what is my ipv4 address" figure it out and give that to your friend along with the port. You need to give anyone outside your network your public IP address to join. Look for your ipv4 address and that is what you would type into the address bar. On the server pc open a cmd prompt and type "ipconfig". In the address field type "0" or "localhost" ■ Minecraft 1.17.1 Server Download Page: 🤍

If you want to purchase a server from PebbleHost please consider using my affiliate link: I will do my best to read every single one. If you have questions feel free to leave a comment down below. In this video I explain how you would setup your very own Java edition server for Minecraft 1.17.